論文集『Archiving Movements: Short Essays on Anime and Visual Media Materials V.2』が刊行されました
論文集『Archiving Movements: Short Essays on Anime and Visual Media Materials V.2』
石田 美紀,キム ジュニアン(編)
2020年3月 ISBN: 978-4-9910746-1-5
Editorial(Kim Joon Yang and Ishida Minori)
Directing at Anime/Animation Studios: Techniques and Methods(Watanabe Hideo)
Plastics, Cels and Anime in a Cross-disciplinary Approach(Kim Joon Yang and Mitsumata Tetsu)
Voice Actors Synchronised with Other Human Agents: An Analysis of the Afureko Script(Ishida Minori)
The Archive in Anime Production: Thoughts on the Use of the Cel Bank in Neon Genesis Evangelion(Ida Kirkegaard)
Notes from the Watanabe Collection: Media Archives and the Futures of Anime’s History(Dario Lolli)
talking with airports: poem in 4 parts(Verina Gfader)
Theatrical Performances Rediscovered: An Archival Approach to Shinkokugeki in the Mid-1970s(Hatori Takafusa)
論文集『Archiving Movements: Short Essays on Materials of Anime and Visual Media V.1』が刊行されました