We held an international symposium entitled the “International Conference on SME and Entrepreneurship Financing, Placemaking, and Industry-Academia Collaboration”
On December 6 (Friday), at Soochow University in Taiwan, the Asian Link Research Center SMEs Knowledge Network held the international symposium “International Conference on SME and Entrepreneurship Financing, Placemaking, and Industry-Academia Collaboration” to promote regional revitalization and solve problems in SME financing and industrial development in cooperation with government. Approximately 250 people including business professionals and researchers from Taiwan, Japan, Korea and China were in attendance on the day.
The symposium was organized into three sessions: (1) Funding Needs of SMEs in Taiwan, Japan and Korea and Measures to Address These, (2) Regional Innovation and Regional Vitalization, and (3) Social Responsibility of Universities and Industry-Academia Collaboration. During the panel discussion, participants engaged in lively discussion.
For details, please see the announcement here (in Japanese).
Related Links:
SMEs Knowledge Network
We held the 2nd International Symposium