Resource Rooms

List of Archival Resources

(As of April 1, 2021)

Furumaya Library

The Furumaya Library belongs to the Asian Link Research Center. When you make an inquiry, be sure to include the library resource number at the beginning of each list.

*Only those books for which OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) registration has been completed may be borrowed. Under the OPAC system, the location will be indicated as “環東アジア研第1資料室(古厩文庫)”.
*Please make an inquiry beforehand about books available for borrowing.

Archaeological Resources

The Asian Link Research Center Resource Rooms house excavation survey reports from various regions of Japan.
*Under the OPAC system, the location will be indicated as “環東アジア研第2資料室” or “環東アジア研考古学研究室”.
*Currently resources are not available for borrowing. Resources are available for reading in the Resource Rooms only.

Use of the Resource Rooms

  • You can browse archival resources in the Resource Rooms (Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Building A 414-416) or the Valuable Reference Reading Room (A 502).
  • You may borrow books and journals (excluding valuable resources, audiovisual resources and unregistered resources).
  • The Resource Rooms are always locked. If you wish to view resources, please make a request beforehand.
  • The photocopier at the Asian Link Research Center is for faculty use only. If you are not a faculty member, please use photocopiers available elsewhere such as the Central Library or Co-op.
  • Before using the Resource Rooms, be sure to read the Points to Keep in Mind When Using the Resource Rooms.

Number of Books & Borrowing Period

User No. of Books Period
Undergraduate student 10 Books: 14 days/Journals: 7 days
Graduate student 15 Books: 14 days/Journals: 7 days
Faculty member 20 Books: 30 days/Journals: 7 days
Private individual 4 For the day only


Weekdays:  9:00 – 12:00

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Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences Building A 4th & 5th floors

Request for Use

When you wish to use any of the resource facilities, please make a request beforehand by telephone or using this form.


Points to Keep in Mind When Using the Resource Rooms

  • You may borrow books and journals from the Resource Rooms but valuable resources, audiovisual resources, and unregistered books and resources are not available for borrowing. In exceptional cases, the center may lend such resources when their use for classes, etc. in a laboratory by a faculty member of the university is deemed necessary. For details of procedures in such cases, please contact the person in charge of the resources.
  • Photocopying is allowed to the extent permitted under copyright laws. However, photocopying and photographing of some resources may not be permitted. For inquiries concerning photocopying and photographing, please contact the center after reading “Photocopying and Photographing” below.
  • A person responsible for the resources will be present when you use one of the Resource Rooms.
  • Please treat resources with care to ensure they do not get soiled.
  • Please take adequate care to protect resources from flammables and humid conditions.
  • Eating and drinking in Resource Rooms are prohibited.
  • Please note that your request to view resources may be declined due to the number of people or the hours requested.
  • When there is a temporary change in the hours of the Resource Rooms, the center will give notice beforehand by posting a notice on the website or elsewhere.

Photocopying and Photographing

You may photocopy resources to the extent permitted under copyright laws. Please be sure to observe the following when photocopying or photographing:

  • Do not exceed half of the pages of an entire work.
  • Individual works published in periodicals may be copied in their entirety if a considerable period has lapsed since their publication.
  • Make only one set of copies per person.
  • The purpose of copying must be for the research and study of the user.
  • Reproduction and distribution, either for a fee or free of charge, are prohibited.